Indulge in the captivating allure of "Peace Distorted by the Fear of Losing Peace," an exquisite piece of original artwork by acclaimed artist Mia Bruce. Measuring 24x36 and crafted with soft pastels on raw canvas, this masterpiece evokes a sense of tranquility and elegance in any setting. By purchasing this stunning piece, you not only support the artist but also add a touch of beauty to your collection.
Indulge in the captivating allure of "Peace Distorted by the Fear of Losing Peace," an exquisite piece of original artwork by acclaimed artist Mia Bruce. Measuring 24x36 and crafted with soft pastels on raw canvas, this masterpiece evokes a sense of tranquility and elegance in any setting. By purchasing this stunning piece, you not only support the artist but also add a touch of beauty to your collection.