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In today’s fast paced, hyper-connected world we are pulled in many competing directions every day. Where is my mind? captures that feeling of losing oneself to the many daily obligations we face. The imagery speaks to the collective need that we as humans experience during self-examination, when we look within ourselves and determine what it means to be “us”.  This is a question which most people ask themselves.  When life gets crazy and there is too much going on, we might whisper under our breath Where is my mind? 
Where is my mind? is constructed from silicon bronze and is mounted to a painted steel base.  Standing at nearly 6ft tall this sculpture puts the viewer face-to-face with the brain.  This human-scale sculpture encourages passive interaction, hopefully giving pause and a chance for self-reflection.

Where is my Mind - Original Artwork by Chad La Fever

Regular price $8,762.00
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In today’s fast paced, hyper-connected world we are pulled in many competing directions every day. Where is my mind? captures that feeling of losing oneself to the many daily obligations we face. The imagery speaks to the collective need that we as humans experience during self-examination, when we look within ourselves and determine what it means to be “us”.  This is a question which most people ask themselves.  When life gets crazy and there is too much going on, we might whisper under our breath Where is my mind? 
Where is my mind? is constructed from silicon bronze and is mounted to a painted steel base.  Standing at nearly 6ft tall this sculpture puts the viewer face-to-face with the brain.  This human-scale sculpture encourages passive interaction, hopefully giving pause and a chance for self-reflection.